About Jennifer Hall

Check out a list of ten must-haves that don't include your traditional Back to School supplies!

It was indeed a #hotgirlsummer with artists like the City Girls and Megan Thee Stallion making the heat almost too much to handle. With so much good music it’s hard to pick a favorite.

Most people spend more time planning their wardrobe than they do their finances. It is important to set financial goals as early as possible.

Crushes have been a part of our lives since grade school. So, when is a crush inappropriate?

How to avoid the ill-fated 10-15 pounds that most first-year college students pack on during their initial year on campus.

A$AP himself soon took to social media upon his release to thank fans and friends for their support over the last few weeks.

Should adults who don’t have children be banned from visiting Disney World? That is the question that has sparked a social media debate. An angry mother went on a social media rant in which she felt couples/adults with no children should not be allowed to visit Disney World. Related: Watch Disney & Pixar’s “Onward” Animated Teaser […]

Future’s bodyguard was knocked out during a racially motivated attack.

Car accidents seem commonplace when you look at the traffic report in the morning. However, if it's been a while since your last fender-bender a sudden car crash can leave even the most experienced driver completely shaken.

No Mac and Cheese Day would be complete without a few freebies!

According to CNN, Cardi B has officially been indicted for her alleged involvement in a brawl that took place in a NY strip club last August.