News One

Wolf Blitzer tried it. On Tuesday, the CNN host interviewed community organizer Deray McKesson, a rising star in the modern day Civil Rights movement, questioning…

“There’s some days that I’ll shield him in the house just so he won’t go outside and I know that I can’t do that for…

Tuesday, April 28 was the first night of Baltimore’s citywide curfew and it is now over. Police arrested 10 people shortly after the 10 p.m. curfew…

There was some light moments during the ongoing dark times in Baltimore. One of them came from a Baltimore mom who lost it and hit…

President Barack Obama has shared his thoughts on the riots that have erupted in Baltimore following the tragic death of Freddie Gray. During a press…

24 hours ago the streets of Baltimore were chaotic, reckless and violent. 24 hours later the community is banning together to cleanup Charm City. Community leaders,…

Khloe Kardashian encouraged her Instagram followers to “Pray for Baltimore” and got dragged through the Internet mud. How? Why? What’s so wrong with urging…


The images of Baltimore, Maryland on fire following the funeral of Freddie Gray — the 25-year-old man who died in police custody last week —…

As the city of Baltimore deals with what many have considered inevitable – conflict between the community and law enforcement boiling over onto the streets…