Yours truly DJ Swirv Deniro had the pleasure of speaking with Shahid Shabazz this past Friday. Shahid is the founder of “Shaping Up Our Future” a non-profit organization that does a lot of different things in the community of Petersburg, VA. Check out the video below as Shahid discusses the 14 Annual KickBack To School […]

Hey I was a bit of a dirty player, back in my day. So hey. I’m not one to say who, how, or in what way should someone be punished for what this guy pulled. But it was funny to me. When Draymond talked to the ref that handed him a Flagrant, “I said, ‘Scott, […]

You remember 90s R&B group Next, right? Well, if you do, I’m sure you’ve already heard that one of their members was accused of beating…