Today's edition of The Oprah Winfrey Show will feature special guests <strong>Wyclef Jean, Rihanna, and Maxwell</strong>. Wyclef is expected to share his eyewitness accounts from his time in Haiti since the earthquakes on the show. Rihanna will be performing Bob Marley’s “Redemption Song”. Maxwell is performing as well.

A powerful new earthquake struck <strong>Haiti</strong> on Wednesday, shaking rubble from damaged buildings and sending screaming people running into the streets only eight days after the country’s capital was devastated by an apocalyptic quake.

<strong>Wyclef Jean</strong> Calls For Exodus & Defends His Chairity "Yele Haiti" At Press Conference

The death toll from the earthquake in <strong>Haiti</strong> last week is now estimated to be over 200,000

A boy is injured during looting in Haiti's streets. A CNN crew with <strong>Anderson Cooper</strong> were nearby as it unfolded. <strong>This video contains graphic content. Viewer discretion is advised</strong>

U.S. authorities are readying for a potential influx of <strong>Haitians</strong> seeking to escape their earthquake-wracked nation, even though the policy for migrants remains the same: with few exceptions, they will go back.

Drumbeats called the faithful to a Sunday Mass behind mounds of rubble and amid the few remaining walls of Port-au-Prince’s destroyed Roman Catholic cathedral to listen to a sermon in a scene resembling the Apocalypse.

<strong>Wyclef Jean</strong> was desperately looking for <strong>Jean “Jimmy O” Jimmy Alexandre</strong>, but sadly the Haitian rapper was slain in the massive 7.0 earthquake that has devastated Haiti.

With food, water and other aid flowing intoHaiti in earnest, relief groups and officials are focused on moving the supplies out of the clogged airport and to hungry, haggard earthquake survivors in the capital.

Since the disaster occurred around 5 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday, by midnight Wycleaf's Yele foundation cleared $1 million

Wycleaf states "We've been picking up dead bodies all day. We Need A State Of Emergency. Their Has To Be Atleast 500,000 Dead"

<strong>Pat Robertson</strong> Claims Haiti Sold Their Soul To The Devil & Earthquake May Be A Blessing To Get Rid Of Satanim!