Entertainment News

It’s been a wild 48 hours for America’s hero, Charles Ramsey, since rescuing Amanda Berry and two other girls who were kidnapped 10 years ago.…

Watch as autotune master DJ Steve Porter mixes up the morning in GMA’s Morning Mash-Up. This one just might get your day started off with a smile. Visit the link below to watch the full video and jam right along with us this morning. How do you start your morning everyday? RELATED LINKS: ‘GMA’ Autotune: […]

T-Pain tells Kendra G that “Reverse Cowgirl” was inspired by late nights at home with his wife.

Is this the real death of Autotune? The irony of this is that Jay-Z was a brand ambassador for Budweiser Select a few years ago. Keep making that money <strong>T-Pain</strong>