Entertainment News

We aren’t sure why anyone would even go digging for this information…as it seems a reasonable assumption that Rev. Al would now be in grave…

The item that many people believe lead George Zimmerman to profile Trayvon Martin may be on display at The National Museum of African American History…

Despite the claims by many that the death of Trayvon Martin and the trial of George Zimmerman is not a race issue, Rev. Al Sharpton…

Rev. Al Sharpton checked in with “The Rickey Smiley Morning Show” and shared his thoughts about the closing arguments presented in the George Zimmerman trial.…

Rev. Al Sharpton checked into “The Rickey Smiley Morning Show” to debunk some of the lies that are being circulated in an attempt to get…

I’ve always had a love loathe relationship with Rev. Al Sharpton. As a child, I watched Sharpton standing in front of any and every television…

VLAD TV spoke with the Rev to get his thoughts on the life and legacy of the late Whitney Houston.

Fashion designers Coco and Breezy stopped by our offices for an interview with our sister site, HelloBeautiful.com. Apparently, the TV in our lobby decided to photo-bomb the innovative twins. Hit us up with your thoughts in the comments section. CAPTION THIS:

Al Sharpton speaks out in support of President Obama's initiatives for all Americans, while other prominent black figures challenge the President. Read clips from The Wall Street Journal's article labeling Mr. Sharpton as Obama's New Partner.

Al Sharpton has written a letter expressing his distaste that Limbaugh may be buying into an NFL Franchise. <!--more-->