That old saying “You give an inch, They’ll take an foot. Sometimes treating people as your equal can actually backfire and have you left assed out. One thing you gotta always remember, is that folks are out for their own best interest. So the more common you appear. In some cases, the weaker you appear. […]

I wanna be perfect. But sometimes. It pisses people off. Am I supposed to care? The ANSWER IS YES !!! Your reputation is all you have. Make sure you’re not secretly pissing off everyone around you by coming off as “Better” Sometimes, you gotta drop the ball just to let folks know that you’re only […]

 When I spaz the f*ck out. I automatically question my own character. So I refer back to the books that I have grown up reading, the books that make the most sense to me, as I grow in this world. This one applies directly to the type of week I had. I had some moments… […]