Ja’Mecca Smith was found dead at the home of Demarqo Smith early Saturday morning. The 25-year-old father was not home when the police arrived. He briefly fled the scene before returning to speak to the police.

A Biloxi Waffle House employee is dead after telling a customer not to smoke at the restaurant.

A man accused of killing three, including a police officer, when he attacked a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colo. was arrested and taken into police custody alive after a tense five-hour standoff.

"A group of White supremacists showed up at the protest, as they have done most nights," Miski Noor, a media contact for Black Lives Matter told the Star Tribune.

A Chicago woman, partly inspired by Spike Lee's anticipated and controversial film Chiraq, has decided to curb gang and gun violence in her community by implementing a sex strike until the killings end.

News One

Sixteen people were shot in a hail of gunfire Sunday night at Bunny Friend Park in New Orleans. According to reports, multiple people began firing shots into a crowd of more than 300.

Following online threats and a number of racially charged vandalism incidents at the University of Missouri, officials at Howard University are boosting security on campus after also receiving threats targeting Black students.

Both officers are being held without bail. The hearing is expected to take place Monday afternoon.

Police fatally shot a 6-year-old child, making Jeremy Mardis the youngest person to be killed by police this year and proving that police practices across the board should be examined, no matter which communities they serve.

Pryor had won Mario Tricoci's "Mario, Make Me a Model" contest just over a month before her untimely death.

A grand jury has convened to decide whether two White police officers will be charged in the fatal shooting of a 12-year-old Black child who was killed while playing with a toy gun at a Cleveland, Ohio park last fall.

Family, friends, and supporters of Corey Jones gathered to pay their respects to the musician on Monday evening after he was fatally shot by a plainclothes police officer early Sunday morning.