In a moving interview with Stephen Colbert, Vice President Joe Biden spoke about a potential presidential bid and the death of his son

President Obama signed an executive order requiring federal contractors to provide workers with up to seven days of annual paid sick leave

A jovial Vice President Joe Biden glad-handed with admirers during an appearance Monday at a Labor Day parade in Pittsburgh.

After another televised slaying, the White House on Wednesday renewed the Obama administration's call for Congress to act on gun control.

In a Fox News interview over the weekend, Donald Trump admitted what many voters already knew — he doesn’t understand the Black Lives Matter movement.…

The Democratic presidential frontrunner surprised three activists when she made the statement about changing racism.

The Washington Post fact checks the GOP presidential candidate's claim about Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood's founder.

Gov. Jerry Brown (Calif.) has signed a bill that will help change the way police killings are viewed in the court of law. According to…

Presidential hopeful Jeb Bush made sure his foreign policy included a plan to defeat ISIS, but also found a way to blame President Obama

President Barack Obama is on a roll. A bankroll, that is. In a proposal that could cover nearly 5 million workers, the president said Monday…

The future of President Barack Obama‘s landmark health care law and same-sex marriage hang in abeyance as the Supreme Court’s term draws rapidly to a…

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert‘s alleged sexual abuse of a male student over 30 years ago when he was a high school teacher may not…