News One

Ending one of the most melodramatic political sagas of 2012, Congress and President Barack Obama have finally reached a deal to avoid the country plunging…

Later this afternoon, President Barack Obama will meet with Democratic congressional leaders Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) along with their Republican…

When it comes to caving on taxes to avoid the much ballyhooed fiscal cliff , President Barack Obama had made it clear that “that’s one…

News One

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Twenty-three days since they last met face-to-face and 23 days before the fiscal cliff becomes a harsh reality, the two men most…

News One

WASHINGTON (AP) — Talk of compromise on a broad budget deal greeted returning lawmakers Monday, but agreement still seemed distant as the White House and…

Secure in the mandate that he was given in a landslide victory over Mitt Romney earlier this month, President Barack Obama is making it very…

Despite all evidence suggesting that it’s in their best interest to do otherwise, Republicans are stubbornly clinging to the “Effie White” approach to health care:…