With all the ongoing civil unrest within today’s society, it’s good to see those with mass reach speaking out against the various social injustices.…

News One

Following the murders of Michael Brown and Eric Garner—both at the hands of the police—law enforcement officials and their practices for policing black communities have…

250 protestors in Oakland surrounded the city’s police headquarters today and blocked entrances as they shouted “Silence is Violence”, “Black and Breathing” and held signs…

Samaria Rice is a mother of four children and she recently lost one of them and we’ve all seen the horrific footage of it happening.…

News One

Washington, D.C. hosted the most high-profile and traditional of Saturday’s protests against racial bias in the legal system.  The march and rally was organized by National Action…

      Samuel L. Jackson is requesting celebrities to put up or shut up with violence against blacks involving racist police officers. Jackson created a video message…

Countless people of all races took to the streets in New York and Washington, D.C., to protest police brutality today. While they were walking under…

The mothers of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Tamir Rice came together for the first time on Dec. 12  to sit for a joint interview with…


As thousands march in Washington DC, led by Reverend Al Sharpton, to ensure justice for all they’re sharing their experience with us and on social…

Funnyman Dave Chappelle is speaking out about his encounter with the police. During his stand-up routine on Dec. 12 in New Orleans, Chappelle revealed to the…