President Barack Obama (pictured far left), First Lady Michelle, First Daughters Malia and Sasha,  Kid President (pictured in suit), and the Easter Egg Bunny participated…

The comedy of Tommy Davidson has been making people laugh for over 30 years, and his impersonation of President Barack Obama. If you missed it,…

For President Barack Obama’s first trip as president to Israel, he played nice and focused on unity and friendship. VIDEO: GO POTUS! Obama Moves Forward With “Energy Security Trust” Plan Calling the U.S. Israel’s “greatest friend,” Obama assured our Middle East ally that the administration’s commitment to Israel’s security is solid, but also cautioned that change […]

News One

How many times have we heard someone walking down the street or in the same room as us talking about how they’re going to “check”…

On Wednesday, March 13th, in Washington, Vice President Joe Biden (pictured center) and U.S. Department of Justice chief Attorney General Eric Holder (pictured left) announced…


The drone war President Barack Obama (pictured) is waging not only with presumed terrorists but with his political opponents is turning normal Washington, D.C., politics…

On Thursday, March 7th, President Barack Obama signed the expanded Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) on the eve of International Women’s Day. The signing of…

For a certain segment of Bill Cosby’s fan base, the legendary comedian is as pristine as it gets. That is, so long as he doesn’t step…

Visibly disappointed, President Barack Obama emphasized that middle-class Americans and businesses across the country will be significantly impacted by unnecessary budget cuts due to Republicans’…

On Thursday, President Barack Obama met with African-American leaders across various organizations to discuss and address growing concerns regarding the economic crisis that continues to…

As much as many of us support President Barack Obama, it has often proved to be a task to get the first Black president to…

Moment: The Re-election Of President Barack Obama The re-election campaign of President Barack Obama was not an easy ride. With a seemingly passive message and…