Kevin Frazier of OMG Insider recently interviewed Cissy Houston, and she set the record straight about whether Whitney Houston “lip synced” the national anthem: “She wouldn’t do it. She said, ‘I want to sing it’ and she sang it. She SAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG it! I was really proud of her. Always been proud of her.” Some content […]

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The Rev. Vernon Dobson, a tireless advocate for equality and justice and one of the city’s preeminent religious, community and civil rights leaders, died in…

As the nation mourns the death of 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton, the Chicago teen who just performed with the King College Prep High School drill team…

News One

In an appearance on MSNBC, Democratic political strategist and frequent contributor, Karen Finney, casually called White conservatives ” crazy crackers” who alienate Latino and minority…

Earlier this week creator of “The Boondocks” Aaron McGruder told his fans on Facebook that there would be an announcement coming regarding the popular franchise.…