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If voters were heading to the polls to vote today, Mitt “Mittens” Romney, a.k.a Mr. 47 percent,  would defeat President Barack Obama, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released Tuesday.

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In the WaPo/ABC poll, Romney defeated President Obama forty-nine percent to forty-five percent among registered voters, and they were tied at forty-seven percent among all United States voters.

If this doesn’t prove that entitled, spoiled Americans — at least the 1,006 participants polled — have little patience, even less memory and no common sense, I don’t know what will.

According to the WaPo/ABC poll:

  • 42% approve — 55% disapprove of President Obama’s job performance
  • 46% see President Obama as a strong leader
  • 47% see President Obama as honest and trustworthy
  • 47% say President Obama understands Americans’ problems

My criticism of the Obama administration is well-documented. I disapprove of his job performance, specifically as it pertains to the Black community. I have my doubts about his strength as a leader, though this latest dust-up with the GOP over raising the debt ceiling has given him opportunity to show his spine (Good job, Mr. President). I doubt his trustworthiness, especially as it pertains to AFRICOM, drone warfare and kissing up to Israel like he wins a trophy for doing so.

But I do think he understands America’s problem: Everyone wants everything at all times right away, and President Obama tries to be everyman — which, at times, leads to him being no man at all.

This does not mean, however, that Mitt Romney (MITT. ROMNEY) would be a better choice.

This is, after all, the man who said that he wouldn’t release his tax returns because then people would “know how much [he] tithes,” when, in fact, he was hiding the fact that he used the tax-exempt status of a charity — the Mormon Church of Latter Day Saints– to avoid paying taxes for over 15 years.

How’s that for trustworthiness?

And to add insult to injury, the president’s low numbers are reportedly due to the botched roll-out of the Affordable Care Act (which was based on Romneycare).

Listen critics, I realize that the Obama Administration sold lollipop dreams of a smooth interactive, online experience, but do your fingers still work? Good. That means you can apply over the phone. Do you know how to drop something in the mailbox? Good for you! That means you can mail your application. And, wait for it, because this is a big one: You can still actually go apply in person.

Stop. The. Presses.

I’m not a huge fan of Obamacare —I’m a single-payer girl myself — but it is a huge step in the right direction and will definitely save lives. And for alleged supporters to throw in the towel because the website doesn’t work, or because their insurance policies were canceled to be replaced with better coverage, is the utmost in ridiculousness.

Read more poll numbers at ABC News.


President Obama Unveils Plans To Fix Obamacare Issues [VIDEO]

Bill Clinton Has 3 Distinct Issues With Obamacare [VIDEO]

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Buyer’s Remorse: Romney Defeats President Obama In New Poll  was originally published on