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When I saw the headline, I was vexed, offended and annoyed that boys will still be boys. Not only was the front page chauvinistic, but The Post made Hillary Clinton look like a dragon lady–a word used to describe me–but they tried to make us feel sorry for poor Bill because he’s the one who has to live with her!

Clinton testified Wednesday in front of all senators about the way her State Department handled the attacks on the diplomatic compounds in Benghazi, Libya, last September. The assault on the compounds by a crowd of about 150 militants left four Americans dead, including U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.

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The Secretary was criticized for the lack of security at the compounds and Sen. Ron Johnson R-Wisconsin accused Clinton of not quickly identifying who was responsible for the strikes. Initially, it was claimed the strikes occurred because of protests from an anti-Muslim movie produced in the United States.

Throughout the five-hour hearing, Clinton answered questions assertively but got emotional when talking about speaking to the families of the survivors.

But this isn’t about what Clinton was saying, this is about women—even ones as powerful as Hillary–not being allowed to be passionate or intense– words also used to describe me-in front of men without it being considered “emotional,” “testy”…or worse!

CHICK CHAT: I’d Rather Be ‘Angry’ Like Hillary Clinton, Than Weak  was originally published on

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